Finished Feather Charms
All engraved feather charms for the EtsyMetal Charm Swap #13 have been finished and sent off. I am pretty happy with these. They are 18mm diameter sterling ssilver dissk with soldered charm rings, oxidized in Liver of Sulfur and then engraved with feathers. The highly reflective bright cuts of the engraved feather pattern is a nice contrast to the matte dark background of the oxidized disk.
It was pretty amazing to realize how much easier the engraving was with each completed charms. After about 6-7 charms finished I started to feel more comfortable with the pressure and angles I needed to apply to get the right cuts. My hand grip on the air graver started to get more relaxed and the cuts became smoother. I think this kind of production work is great for gaining engraving practice.
Each charm is slightly different. There is a large feather on the front and a smaller feather on the back next to the stampings. I did change the orientation for the beach feathers too. This way I did not get bored.